Day 2: The Right Attitude in Giving to God

Curt Simmons • 26 August 2022

Day 2: The Right Attitude in Giving to God

  • What are some qualities God desires us to have when we give our offering?
  • What should we be thinking when we are giving our offering?
  • What is the correct context in which we should be giving our offering?

  1. A Careful Attitude

  2. God’s response to Cain and Abel tells us that we must be careful how we give because He is monitoring our giving—Genesis 4:1-7
  3. The Israelites were often reminded to be careful about God’s direction in regard to all the different areas of giving they were expected to follow—Leviticus 27:1-34
  4. Our hearts in regard to giving are more important to God than the actual amount we are giving, but the amount is still of major importance—1 Samuel 16:7, Luke 21:1-4, John 12:1-8
  5. God rebuked His people for their lack of being careful in regard to their giving, and also for being too wrapped up in the things of the world—Haggai 1:1-14
  6. The Israelites failure to be careful in regard to making sure they were tithing was causing God to withhold His blessings—Malachi 3:6-12
  7. Ananias and Sapphira were punished for their deceit in giving their offering to God—Acts 5:1-11

  8. A Humble Attitude

  9. God tells us to remember where all of our possessions and abilities to create income have come from—Deuteronomy 8:10-18
  10. David recognized that all he possessed had been given to him by God (he knew he had gone from shepherd boy to king because of God’s blessings)—2 Samuel 7:1-29
  11. Four lepers realized they were doing wrong by hoarding all the blessings they had come upon; they realized they were fortunate to even be alive and gave according to their gratitude—2 Kings 7:3-11
  12. David understood who he was in comparison to God, and he realized that all he possessed was simply a gift from God—1 Chronicles 29:10-20

  13. A Trusting Attitude

  14. Solomon reminds us how we can be confident that God will meet our needs if we have a heart to give to others in need—Proverbs 11:25, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 28:27
  15. Jesus calls us to have a childlike trust in getting our needs met and to give ourselves fully to His kingdom—Matthew 6:25-34
  16. The disciples were called to trust in God—that He would supply all their needs if they in turn would give to others—2 Corinthians 9:6-11
  17. The early disciples gave their offerings to the apostles and trusted that they would use it appropriately—Acts 2:44-45, 4:32-37

  18. A Willing Attitude

  19. The people of Egypt in Joseph’s day had a willing heart to give in view of how it would be helping to meet needs in the future—Genesis 41:33-57
  20. The Israelites in the desert willingly gave of what they had in view of the tabernacle that was going to be built, something that would ultimately be a big blessing to their lives—Exodus 35:4-29, 36:2-7
  21. David and his leaders gave willingly toward the construction of the temple, even while realizing they would probably never actually see it after it was finished—1 Chronicles 29:1-9
  22. The Macedonians gave willingly to help others in need, even amid their own challenges—2 Corinthians 8:1-15

  23. A Cheerful Attitude

  1. God loves it when we give cheerfully (excitement for how we can be a part of doing something so beneficial to others)—2 Corinthians 9:6-7
  2. God’s desire is that we don’t give under compulsion, but cheerfully; this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t give if we’re not cheerful or if we’re doing it under compulsion (two wrongs don’t make a right!); however, our goal must be to always be cheerful whenever we give 
  3. We can give knowing that all things are under God’s control; even the widow was giving to a religious system that, at that time, was not one God was pleased with, yet Jesus commended her for her giving—Luke 21:1-4

   Summary Points:

  • We must give according to the pattern found in the Scriptures, but our goal must be to do so with the right attitude
  • We must start by being sure we are careful when it comes to our giving
  • We must be humble, realizing we are giving only what has been given to us 
  • We must trust we will be taken care of and that God will use our gift as He sees fit
  • We must give of our money with a willing and cheerful heart, realizing the honor and privilege that comes from giving it to God

   Series Quick Links:

     Day 1: Why We Give to God

     Day 2: The Right Attitude in Giving to God

     Day 3: A Biblical Overview of Giving to God

     Day4: A Quick Assessment of our Giving to God

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