John 3:16
We believe in God. God is, God was and God will always be. God created the Heavens and the Earth and everything in them. God is known as the Father, came as the Son and lives in Christians as the Holy Spirit. Getting to know God and developing a relationship with Him is incredible and essential.
Colossians 1:15-19
Jesus, God the Son, came to Earth and was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for our sins and rose from the dead. He is still alive and changing lives today!
John 3:16
The Holy Spirit is a comforter and a guide for every disciple of Jesus. He actually lives inside of us, His temple, and enables us to live a life of power, love and self-discipline.
John 3:16
The Bible is the book God wrote for us. It’s true, it’s accurate, it’s authentic and it’s absolutely relatable to our lives today. Get it, read it, live it and allow your life to be transformed.
John 3:16
It’s a gift. It’s free. It’s God’s grace, not your good deeds. Jesus’ death allows your sins — all of them — to be forgiven, wiped out, canceled, deleted, erased. You get the picture! The gift is free. All you have to do is claim it by responding.
John 3:16
If we believe in Jesus and want to receive the gift He’s offering, He calls us to repent (change our mind about who’s in charge of our life and turn away from our sins) and be baptized (immersed in water). When we make Him Lord, we enter into a new life and get the opportunity to spend all eternity with Him. Nothing is greater or more important.
John 3:16
We’re not perfect. We’ve sinned — all of us. We need help. We need God. We also need each other, and that’s what church and fellowship are all about.
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The Bible can be intimidating! Personal Bible study will teach you how to interact with the Scriptures, gain an understanding of the big picture of God's story and find direction for your life.
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Each of our local ministries serves the communities in which they live in various ways.
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Every week, small groups of people are meeting together in homes and public spaces to build connections and deepen their spirituality.
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We have a worship location within approximately 30 minutes of most people in Chicagoland.
We also have online worship services via Zoom and live stream.
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