What is a Bible Based Church?

4 October 2022

There are many churches you could attend, but how do you know which one is the right one? Naturally, you want a church that's going to teach you the Word of God, and that will follow the Bible accurately.

A Bible Based Church is different from other kinds of churches, where God's Word may be changed or adjusted to suit the times or the congregation. But God's Word is not there to be adjusted for convenience or comfort.

Here's what to look for, so you can find a Bible Based Church to meet your needs.

What Are Some Things to Look for in a Bible Based Church?

When you start looking for a church that is Bible based, you want to be clear on what that means. There are so many churches and denominations today that it can quickly become confusing. One church may teach a particular doctrine, while another church will teach something completely different. Which one is right?

A lot of people look for the biggest and most advertised church in their area, especially if they've just moved to somewhere new. They want to go where it looks like everyone else is going, because that must be the best place to hear God's Word.

Unfortunately, that means quite a few people end up at a church that's not right for them, and that isn't teaching them the Truth of God. Don't worry about looking for the biggest church, the flashiest one, or the one with the highest number of cars in the parking lot.

Instead, look for a church that has God's infallible Word at its heart, and that teaches from what the Bible really says. All the pomp and circumstance that comes with other churches isn't relevant to the teachings of the Lord. It's important not to get focused on the wrong things, like how fancy the church is or whether there are a lot of planned events for the congregation.

To find a Bible Based Church, don't look at the outside. Look at the inside and hear what's being taught. A mega-church may not be providing anything that's really focused on the Bible, and might be interpreting scripture through their own lens.

Teachings should be concise, relevant, and clear. It should be easy to understand what's being taught, and there shouldn't be any cause for confusion. If the congregation leaves confused or conflicted, the Word of God may not be what they're being taught.

Shedding light on specific verses and parts of scripture is very important for Bible Based teaching. A minister who's committed to teaching God's Word should be able to make the meaning of the original language clear, and show how it's relevant to the lives of modern Christians today.

What Does It Mean to Be Bible Based?

A truly Bible Based Church believes in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This kind of church will teach from the Word of God, and not stray from what He said in an effort to fit modern opinions or changing beliefs. The original language and intent of the Bible is the focus of a church that teaches this way.

Asking the congregation to turn to chapter and verse should be expected every time they are at a church service, Bible study, or Sunday school. Remaining in the Scriptures and always teaching the importance and relevance of the Bible is vital to the true teachings of a Bible Based Church.

If a church is not focused on the Bible, or there are sermons being preached that don't reference a chapter and verse, that church is not Bible Based. You could be missing out on the Truth of God's Word when attending a church that doesn't take the Bible as seriously and consider it as reverently as it should.

The entire Bible is still just as relevant today as it was when it was written. To continue to explore God's Word and deepen your connection with Him, it's vital to find a church that understands the value of the Bible and its importance in everyday life in the modern era.

Churches that are Christ-Centered and Bible Based are churches where you can grow in your relationship with God, and where you can receive His Word and His comfort as you move through life. You can have stronger faith, more peace of mind, and a better understanding of how much He loves you, when you attend a church that truly teaches what He has said to us.

Both the Old Testament and New Testament should be considered relevant by the church, and the Word of God is all inspired, no matter where in the Bible that Word is found. Understanding the significance of the inspired Word is another way you can draw closer to Him and find a church that will help you do that to the fullest.

What Does it Mean for the Bible to Be Inspired?

The Bible is inspired, meaning that it is all the Word of God. Those who wrote the actual words on paper had those words given to them by God, so they knew what to say. They didn't just make it up, or write what they thought God might have been trying to explain to them. No, they wrote what God wanted the world to know about His love for us. (2 Peter 1:19-21)

The inspired Word of God gives you comfort and security that what is found in the Bible is true and accurate.

That's why it's so important to find a Bible Based Church, so you can be taught the true, inspired Word of God, and not something that strays from that message.

Are you looking for a church, or questioning whether the one you're attending is teaching what really matters? Are you ready to be part of a Bible Based Church that follows the Word of God? Come see us at Chicago Church of Christ, and become part of our congregation. We focus on the true and accurate teaching of the bible, and welcome all who seek knowledge of God and His Word.

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