Spectators at a sporting event can certainly make a lot of noise, but if you want to make a real difference in any game, you must join a team and play! The same thing holds true for churchgoing.
Attending regular Sunday services is great, but getting involved with a church volunteering program is even better. There is virtually no end to the ways that American churches are making a real difference in their local communities and beyond by mirroring the good works of Jesus Christ and his steadfast dedication to people in need.
There are many worthy causes in the world, and there is certainly no shortage of ways to volunteer your time. Getting involved with volunteering at your church, however, offers many distinct advantages and can enrich your life in uniquely profound ways.
By tying their charitable endeavors to their church activities, many people feel a greater life purpose. After all, study, fellowship, and prayer are essential but few things can further your personal spiritual journey quite like volunteering to change the lives of others.
Volunteering alongside your fellow church members can also lead to strong bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood both inside and outside the organization. In fact, people often report that volunteering at their local church has helped them develop lifelong friendships.
Committing to a church volunteering can engender personal growth and improvement as well. For example, doing good works can dramatically improve your self-image and self-esteem. Although pride can be a sin, a healthy belief in yourself is essential if you want to serve God well.
Church volunteers have reported other benefits that range from improved decision-making and a broader worldview. However, the top three benefits of church volunteerism simply cannot be beat.
A church volunteering program typically holds extra meaning for the faithful because it both stems from and reinforces their faith. Consider the fertile ground for volunteer giving that the Bible offers in James 1:27, which reads, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
Although this passage is relatively straightforward in its support of charitable volunteerism, most authoritative interpretations of James 1:27 regard the phrase “orphans and widows” as symbolic of all people in need. As Lifesong for Orphans contributor Jason Johnson puts it, “I don’t believe he’s being prescriptive—as if it’s orphans and widows only. I believe he’s being descriptive, so if we were to say, ‘But James, what about victims of trafficking, the homeless, the under-resourced in our city, the parents in crisis and on the brink of losing their children or my struggling neighbor across the street?’, he would not say, ‘NO! It’s orphans and widows ONLY!’ Instead, I believe he would say, ‘YES! That’s where we go! Those are our people!’”
James 2:18 reads, “But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” While introspection is a key component of religious devotion, it is vitally important to exhibit that devotion through your daily behavior and good works, looking outward rather than exclusively inward. In other words, many people have praised their volunteer church service for helping them address larger issues rather than always focusing on themselves.
There is little doubt that volunteering at your church is a great way to help others, but it can also serve as a beautiful outward expression of your faith. Countless people have said that church volunteerism has made them more generous and infused their lives with a greater purpose. In the end, it is wise to remember that actions speak louder than words.
In Mark 1, Matthew 4, and Luke 4, the Bible tells the story of the birth of the ministry of Jesus Christ – a story that begins when Satan tested Christ’s faith with a series of three temptations. Turning away from each of these temptations, Christ shows us how to favor the way of God over the way of base personal gain.
After coming out of the wilderness free of temptation, Christ called together his disciples and embarked on a divine campaign of teaching, healing, and helping others. By following this awe-inspiring but straightforward example, you can find the joy that only comes with doing good works in your own community. And, like Christ who sits at the right hand of his Father, you can also look forward to the day when God welcomes you as a good and faithful servant.
When it comes to serving God and transforming the world into a better place, you can either stand on the sidelines as a spectator or get into the game and play! No matter who you are, where your interests lie, and how you want to lend a hand, you can make a real difference through a local church volunteering program.
Get involved at the Chicago Church of Christ today. If you live in the greater Chicago area, one of the Chicago Church’s seven regional locations is bound to be in, or near, your neighborhood. Affiliated with the International Churches of Christ, the Chicago Church welcomes everyone to participate in its regular worship services as well as its various community endeavors.
Join the Chicago Church as it makes a real difference beyond the church sanctuary. The church sponsors and presents a number of public events on a monthly basis. Every one of these events offers a great opportunity to get involved.
The Chicago Church also strives to make a difference for its congregation and its community alike through a wide range of outreach efforts and charitable partnerships. Take a look at its constantly updated list of Christian Volunteer Opportunities in Chicago to find the right church volunteering program for you.