Chicago Church's

Youth & Family Ministry

In the Chicago Church of Christ, it is our ambition to have an excellent ministry for every age group in our Youth and Family Ministry. Therefore, we believe it is important to approach each age group with clear and purposeful goals and plans. We call this desire “Striving for an A+ Youth and Family Ministry.”

Ministries By Age

Kingdom Kids

The Kingdom Kids Ministry is the foundation of the Youth and Family Ministry. In this ministry, parents are taught how to teach and train their children during the formative years. As a church, it is our goal and responsibility to equip parents in raising their children with sound biblical teaching. Engaging parents with the proper training and teaching at this age is paramount in paving the way for the future of the children. We call the focal point of this ministry “Family."


As our children grow up in the church, we cannot underestimate the need for spiritual friendships. As the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be misled: bad company corrupts good character.” But the opposite of this is true as well — good company promotes good character. In addition to engaging the parents, the pre-teen ministry will focus on helping the kids in building friendships. This will be done through fun events and devotionals. The lessons will focus the kids on loving God and one another. We call the focal point of this ministry “Friends."

Young Teens

By the time our kids reach the young teen ministry, it is our hope that the parents or guardians have continued to stay engaged with their child. In addition, it is our goal that the young teens will have built friendships with other children in the church, prior to and during their pre-teen years. Kids in the young teen ministry are now 13 and 14 years old. During this time, it is our goal to help them take their faith and walk with God to a deeper level. In order to accomplish this, more time is spent in the Bible at young teen classes and devotionals. In addition, young teens are encouraged to begin personal “faith building” studies with a parent and/or mentor. We call the focal point of this ministry “Faith."


By the time a child enters into the teen ministry, it is our hope that they will have a godly foundation, great friendships and a growing faith in God. As the teen continues to grow in each of these areas, it is our goal to see them make Jesus the Lord of their life. In addition, we believe that training and equipping the teenagers for their future as college students and/or employees is crucial. We call the focal points of this ministry “Fruit and Future."

Youth & Family Events

Here are some upcoming events for Youth and Family

Youth & Family Ministry Staff

Antoine & Charlene Wills

Youth and Family Ministry Leaders (City)

Aaron & Jade Katch

Youth and Family Ministry Leaders (Midpoint)

Greg & Ali Campbell

Youth and Family Ministry Leaders (Southland)

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