The goal of this ministry is to help people who struggle with an addiction to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our definition of addiction is anything that has mastered you, whether that's alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, gaming, media, etc.
Often, addiction is an effort to escape painful emotions through the use of substances or unhealthy obsessive behaviors. What starts as an escape ends up as a trap. Repeated efforts to stop or control the behavior can end in frustration or self-loathing. It's very common to overcome one addiction only to end up in another.
Without God’s power, we are truly powerless over our addictions. The first step to overcoming an addiction is awareness, followed by ownership and surrender. Through biblically-based and private small groups, we seek to understand ourselves and take ownership of our behaviors, turning to God for healing and freedom.
Groups are facilitated by volunteers and not professional counselors. We believe God is the one who heals us through His word and the Holy Spirit, and that He works through the shared experiences of others and the accountability that comes with being part of a support group.
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